The Future Arrives single work   criticism  
Issue Details: First known date: 2017... 2017 The Future Arrives
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Uppinder Mehan concludes the 2004 collection of postcolonial science fiction and Fantasy, So Long Been Dreaming , with these final remarks on the future of postcolonial writing: Postcolonial writing has for the most part been intensely focused on examining contemporary reality as a legacy of a crippling colonial past but rarely has it pondered that strange land of the future. Visions of the future imagine how life might be otherwise. If we do not imagine our futures, postcolonial people risk being condemned to be spoken about and for again.

Postcolonial writers have given contemporary literature some of its most notable fiction about the realities of conqueror and conquered, yet we’ve rarely created stories that imagine how life might be otherwise. So many of us have written insightfully about our pasts and presents; perhaps the time is ripe for us to begin creatively addressing our futures. (“Final Thoughts” 270) (Introduction)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Futuristic Worlds in Australian Aboriginal Fiction Iva Polak , Oxford : Peter Lang , 2017 11187111 2017 multi chapter work criticism

    'This is the first study that brings together the theory of the fantastic with the vibrant corpus of Australian Aboriginal fiction on futurities. Selected works by Ellen van Neerven, Sam Watson, Archie Weller, Eric Willmot and Alexis Wright are analysed as fictional prose texts that construct alternative future worlds. They offer a distinctive contribution to the relatively new field of non-mainstream science fiction that has entered the critical domain of late, often under the title of postcolonial science fiction. The structures of these alternative worlds reveal a relationship - sometimes straightforward, sometimes more complex - with the established paradigms of the genre. The novelty of their stories comes from the authors' cultural memory and experience of having survived the «end of the world» brought about by colonisation. Their answers to our futurity contain different novums that debunk the myth of progress in order to raise the issue of a future without a human face.' (Publication summary)

    Oxford : Peter Lang , 2017
    pg. 235-245
Last amended 25 Jan 2018 15:23:09
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