'Whatever has happened to the word 'knowledge'? It seems to have become passe in today's information-driven world. A browse through book review journals turns up very few books with knowledge in the title. Or the word 'wonder' for that matter, the innate quality that drives people to inquire and read and seek knowledge. However books offering information and facts are a plenty.' (Editorial)
'In October 2016, Australian readers lost one of their most significant and best-loved picture book creators. Narelle Oliver (25 February 1960 - 3 October 2016) was an exquisite linocut artist, and gifted writer and illustrator of fifteen picture books, and also collaborated on several other texts ... ' (Introduction)
'Over the years in the world of children's picture books, the have been various odes to 'The book" as a treasured artifact, along with testimonies to the importance of libraries and the power of the act of reading. The book is a vessel of transportation to wondrous places in Look a Book! and takes two young readers on surprising journeys in Book. For ever-hungry Henry, the Incredible Book Eating Boy, books become tasty snacks and delicious meals, as he literally devours shelves of fact and fiction.' (Introduction)
One of the most important decisions of my life life tool place in a school library. It happened in Brisbane, about 1973. An ordinary sort of day. I headed for the library as soon as my lunch was eaten and, standing be the circulation desk, I looked at the shelves full of books and made myself a promise. 'When I grow up,' I told myself. "I'm going to be a writer. Other people might think it's better to write for grown ups, but I'm going to write children's books, and one day, my books are going to be on the shelves of this library.' (Introduction)
'It's a busy day in the Book Bunker.
'A toddler visiting the library spots his favourite book character sitting on top of a shelf and reaches up to grab it. While his dad reads from the pages of the book, he snuggles with the Gruffalo. When it's time for them to check their books out, he waves goodbye to his new friend and tells him he'll be back soon.' (Introduction)
'When I was a kid, my Auntie Jan used to buy me books for Christmas. As soon as she and my uncle arrived for lunch, I'd be eyeballing the presents, sizing up their shapes, silently reassuring myself that my relatives were going to deliver again this year. As soon as decorum (and my mother's beady eye) allowed, I'd lunge for that book-shaped present with all the undignified enthusiasm of one of the Melling Sisters you'll meet in this wonderful book.' (Introduction)
'Steven Herrick is writer with a conscience. Much of his work deals with how society treats its ordinary people and how they show courage, resilience and strength in return. He chronicles his characters struggles to become better people and defeat the odds. He creates story in an immersive experience to engage, entertain and enlighten his audience. Herrick began writing as a poet but wanted to experiment with a longer form of narrative to develop a truly engaging story.' (Introduction)