Uti Kulintjaku Uti Kulintjaku i(11522074 works by) (Organisation) assertion
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1 y separately published work icon Tjulpu and Walpa : Two Children, Two Roads Tjulpunya Munu Walpanya Uti Kulintjaku , Alice Springs : Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjar Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council Aboriginal Corporation (NPY) , 2017 11522180 2017 single work children's fiction children's

'This is the story of two girls: Tjulpu and Walpa. It is the story of two children who end up travelling down very different paths. Tjulpu is the bird that sings. Tjulpu's story is about a girl who had all the love and support she needed to grow up strong, healthy and happy. Walpa is the wind. Walpa's story is about a girl who was blown around from place to place - just like the wind.These stories show how the care we give a child, shapes their behaviour. It helps us to see that behaviour is like an anthill. We can see the anthill rising up, but there are other things - like children's experiences and their needs - hidden beneath the surface.This is a book for community workers, families, and communities: working together to grow strong and happy children.' (Publication summary)