Andrea Morales Vidal Andrea Morales Vidal i(11497413 works by)
Gender: Unknown
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3 15 y separately published work icon Brother Night Victor Kelleher , ( trans. Andrea Morales Vidal with title Hermano noche ) Madrid : Ediciones Siruela , 1993 Z232958 1990 single work novel fantasy young adult

'Ramon learns that he is the son of the Moon Witch and the Sun Lord, after which his quest for the truth leads him along a perilous and challenging path.'

Source: Google Books.

4 13 y separately published work icon The Red King Victor Kelleher , ( trans. Andrea Morales Vidal with title El rey rojo ) Madrid : Ediciones Siruela , 1991 Z499539 1989 single work novel young adult science fiction Aided only by a trained bear and a monkey, a magician and an acrobat challenge the power of the evil Red king who rules the Forest Lands by spreading the red fever to those who refuse to pay him tribute. (Source: Trove)