y separately published work icon The New Yorker periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2015... 9 October 2015 of The New Yorker est. 1925 The New Yorker
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* Contents derived from the 2015 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Pitching My Snakes on a Plane Remake, Anna Heyward , single work prose
'I know what you're thinking: this movie has already been made. Why make it again? But hear me out. I really think I could make it better. For one, we could have it be a bit more gritty and realistic. So, instead of the snakes—which, I admit, are a fun touch, if a bit far-fetched—it'd be a normal American Airlines flight, and the fantastical element is introduced when the plane's just sitting on the tarmac for two hours and forty-five minutes. Yes, that's right, just sitting there. No, the audience doesn't know the reason; neither do the characters. Instead of dramatic irony, it's, like, the audience and the characters are bound together by American Airlines in their powerlessness.' (Introduction)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

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