Issue Details: First known date: 2010... 2010 Adult into Child, Child into Adult : Immigration and Infantilisation in The Sound of One Hand Clapping by Richard Flanagan
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Antipodean Childhoods : Growing Up in Australia and New Zealand Helga Ramsey-Kurz (editor), Ulla Ratheiser (editor), Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2010 11377090 2010 anthology criticism

    'Though obvious, the productiveness of combining the three concepts of childhood, otherness and the postcolonial has not inspired much academic inquiry so far. The essays assembled in this book make up for this omission and address aspects of growing up in Australia and New Zealand from various angles. They base their argument on the premise that, whether in settler, migrant or indigenous communities, children tend to be ascribed a space of their own, mostly outside but never independent of that of adults. How adults configure this space both practically and imaginatively, for instance in the arts, in adult and children's literature, in film and photography, or in historical documents, is one of the questions answered in the process. How these configurations have developed with time and under the influence of specific historical circumstances is another. Thus, the individual papers are more than a contribution to a current (re-)discovery of the theme of childhood in European cultures in that Antipodean Childhoods remains centrally concerned with the cultural specificity of childhoods lived in Australia and New Zealand and with the theoretical implications of this specificity to postcolonial literary, cultural and historical studies.'

    Source: Publisher's blurb.

    Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2010
    pg. 85-98
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