Bloomsday in Melbourne Bloomsday in Melbourne i(11231068 works by) (Organisation) assertion
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1 1 Getting up James Joyce's Nose Bloomsday in Melbourne , 2017 single work drama musical theatre

'Joyce famously boasted that you could rebuild Dublin from the pages of his epic, Ulysses, the most admired novel of modernity. The play, Getting up James Joyce’s Nose , takes up this challenge: could you reconstruct the smell of Joyce’s Dublin 1904 from the pages of Ulysses? Resoundingly its scripters claim, ‘Yes, Yes, Yes!’ To notice the insane meticulosity of his interest in smell, the Cinderella of the senses, and the sense most likely to be considered beneath notice by literary artists, is to be caught into Joyce’s radicalism as a thinker and his surreal comedy, and to engage with him as an artist in new ways.' (Production summary)