'Jack Gordon and his sister Harriett barely escaped with their lives when they fled the citadel of the Mountain Elves, pursued by the Prince of Fellwood and his legions of dark elves and goblins. Now they are on the edge of Fellwood Forest, alone again. They must journey through Fellwood with all its dangers to the goblin fortress at Pitmouth, on a quest to ensure that Morrigan remains imprisoned and searching for a mysterious object that might hold the power to defeat Prince Serza.'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
'Jack Gordon and his sister Harriett barely escaped with their lives when they fled the citadel of the Mountain Elves, pursued by the Prince of Fellwood and his legions of dark elves and goblins. Now they are on the edge of Fellwood Forest, alone again. They must journey through Fellwood with all its dangers to the goblin fortress at Pitmouth, on a quest to ensure that Morrigan remains imprisoned and searching for a mysterious object that might hold the power to defeat Prince Serza.'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
'Jack Gordon and his sister Harriett made it through Fellwood Forest, but now they face the journey through the vast bog of Swampmere to the goblin fortress of Pitmouth. The Dark Prince is right behind them, at the head of a huge army. They’re all racing to retrieve the Key Song, the key to the magical barrier that keeps Morrigan imprisoned.
'Meanwhile, Anarra Settonett must act from afar to help Jack in any way she can, and also strive to protect Elvinidd, the dominion of the elves, from destruction. It is clear to Anarra now that Jack’s fate and the fate of Elvinidd, and all of Anwynn, are intimately linked.'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
'Jack Gordon and his sister Harriett are reunited with their friends, but now they face their final challenge, their greatest danger. They must go into battle with Morrigan and her vast armies. If they defeat her, the prophecy will be made real and the Dark Powers will be banished forever. If they fail, the prophecy will be unmade and Morrigan will conquer not only Anwynn but the human realm as well. They will also lose their lives.'
Source: Publisher's blurb.