A series of stories featuring Vivayn, a magic-using princess of ancient Britain, the daughter of King Natanleod, king of a seaside kingdom in the days after the Roman exodus from Britain. Vivayn's kingdom is invaded after the Roman departure leaves a power vacuum in the former colony: her father is murdered and she, aged fifteen, married to the son of the new ruler, a Jute named Cerdic. She has a reputation throughout Britain as a parricide, accused of facilitating her father's death in order to marry one of the pirates.
In 'Spears of the Sea-Wolves', the destruction of Vivayn's kingdom is outlined. In 'The Ordeal Stone', Vivayn is acting in Britain as her father-in-law's emissary, seeking tribute from dependent villages. By 'Revenant', she has left her husband and Britain, and taken refuge in Gaul. Here, while she is still reviled as a parricide, her magic is called on by people threatened by supernatural terrors.
In chronological order:
1. Spears of the Sea-Wolves
2. The Ordeal Stone
3. Revenant
Vivayn, a princess of ancient Britain now married to one of the invaders who conquered her father's kingdom, comes to seek tribute from a tribe ruled by a tyrant who considers her a traitor.