Issue Details: First known date: 2016... 2016 Young Adult Fiction in the Postnatural Age
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Young Adult Dystopian Fiction in the Postnatural Age Belinda Moore , Kelvin Grove : Queensland University of Technology , 2016 10880106 2016 single work thesis

    This creative works thesis comprises an exegesis and a novel. Both explore the ways that a postnatural perspective can shape the reading and writing of young adult dystopian fiction. Approaching literature from a postnatural perspective can highlight a connection between shifts in a novel's key terms and the development of the protagonist towards understanding their world as an interconnected ecosystem. Through its grounding in ecocriticism and children's literature criticism, this research investigates the contributions a postnatural perspective offers young adult dystopian fiction generally, and specifically, in the development of the novel When the Cloud Hit the Kellys.

    Kelvin Grove : Queensland University of Technology , 2016
    pg. 206-365
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