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For maintainers
(Status : Public)
  • Volunteering with AustLit

    Become a Member of the AustLit Family of Indexers

    Over the past two decades, the partner universities that made up the collaborative endeavour that is AustLit have invested heavily in indexing and describing published works in print and online. Unfortunately, in light of severe funding constraints in recent years and the ever increasing amount of online publishing, we have been forced to make some alterations to our indexing practices. We can now only manage to index the contents of a smaller number of Australian periodicals than previously and, while we will continue to provide publication details of a large number of periodicals publishing fiction, poetry, criticism, history, essays, life writing, and cultural studies, as of 2017, we will no longer index every individual item published in the many anthologies, selected and collected works, and periodicals that appear each year. We simply do not have enough staff to do the work.

    We have created a simplified indexing interface to allow volunteers to assist with indexing and describing individual poems, reviews, and other works published within journals, collections, and online.

    If you would like to volunteer to add publication details to AustLit, please indicate your interest by email.

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