Luke Goodsell Luke Goodsell i(10816624 works by)
Gender: Male
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1 Wolf Man Is Darker, Scarier and Sadder Than the 1935 Universal Horror Classic Its Based on Luke Goodsell , 2025 single work review
— Appears in: ABC News [Online] , January 2025;

— Review of Wolf Man Leigh Whannell , Corbett Tuck , 2025 single work film/TV

'It's been nearly a century since the first wolf-man took a bite out of the big screen, when 1935's Werewolf of London — yes, his hair was perfect — kicked off a long, lupine tradition of hirsute howlers, gnarly transformations and heartbroken tailors.' (Introduction)

1 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga Has All the Trappings of a Prequel That Exists to Milk a Hit Movie. Does That Matter? Luke Goodsell , 2024 single work review
— Appears in: ABC News [Online] , May 2024;

'For a 45-year-old franchise that began as a scuzzy, low-budget exploitation movie set in a near-future Australia, George Miller's Mad Max series has extracted a surprising amount of mileage from its rusty tank of guzzoline.' 

1 Talk to Me Review : Horror Movie Debut from Australian YouTube Twins Danny and Michael Philippou Is Stylish, Gruesome Thrill Ride Luke Goodsell , 2023 single work review
— Appears in: ABC News [Online] , July 2023;

— Review of Talk to Me Danny Philippou , Michael Beck , 2023 single work film/TV

'In horror movies, a disembodied hand almost always spells trouble. Who could forget Bruce Campbell's Ash duelling his severed appendage in Evil Dead II? Director Oliver Stone made an entire film about a missing meathook on a murder spree. And then there's 90s stoner classic Idle Hands, in which a teenager's possessed paw goes on a high school prom rampage that culminates in the scalping of a cameoing rock star. (It's a masterpiece, critics be damned.)' (Introduction)   

1 Sweet As: Jub Clerc's Film about Misfit Teens on a Pilbara Road Trip Dares to Choose Optimism Over Angst Luke Goodsell , 2023 single work review
— Appears in: ABC News [Online] , June 2023;

— Review of Sweet As Jub Clerc , Steve Rodgers , 2022 single work film/TV

'Teen cinema is full of angsty outsiders, social climbers and mouthpieces for current pop culture, but rare are the coming-of-age films that dare to privilege sincerity – an uncool sensibility that can cut through the adolescent din with lovely, unforced levity.' (Introduction)

1 In Of an Age, Australian Director Goran Stolevski Paints a Tender Portrait of Young Queer Love in 90s Suburban Melbourne Luke Goodsell , 2023 single work review
— Appears in: ABC News [Online] , March 2023;

— Review of Of an Age Goran Stolevski , 2022 single work film/TV

'Dressed in a sequinned shirt and flared black pants like some teenage Elvis, 17-year-old Kol (Elias Anton), the nervy centre of queer romance Of an Age, cuts a dazzling figure.'(Introduction)

1 Three Thousand Years of Longing : George Miller Spins a Genie-in-the-bottle Fairytale Starring Idris Elba and Tilda Swinton Luke Goodsell , 2022 single work review
— Appears in: ABC News [Online] , September 2022;

— Review of Three Thousand Years of Longing George Miller , Augusta Gore , 2022 single work film/TV

'We tell ourselves stories in order to live – or, if you're Australian director George Miller, to smash up post-apocalyptic monster trucks, put a witchy Cher and Michelle Pfeiffer into a duel with the devil, or have computer-generated penguins shimmy and shake to a jukebox of pop bangers.' 

1 Baz Luhrmann and Austin Butler on Elvis and Honouring the 'original Superhero' while Exposing the Dark Heart of the American Dream Luke Goodsell , 2022 single work column
— Appears in: ABC News [Online] , June 2022;

'Elvis: he's everywhere and nowhere, a mononym as familiar as Coke and a cipher as abstract as the clichés he came to (dis)embody. Both the King of Rock 'n' Roll and a costume party punchline, the man born Elvis Presley left the building an icon, his image now so ubiquitous — and for so long — that it's easy to forget how seismically his appearance ruptured the culture in the 50s.'(Introduction)

1 The Bad Guys Author Aaron Blabey ‘Thrilled’ with DreamWorks Animation’s Adaptation of His Hit Kids Books Luke Goodsell , 2022 single work column
— Appears in: ABC News [Online] , March 2022;

'Every kid knows the thrill of vicariously experiencing a movie they're way too young to see, thanks to a little imagination and an easily accessible slice of cultural ephemera. It could be a rubber Halloween mask from some gory horror flick, a pop smash that soundtracks a steamy romantic thriller, or a meme of a crazed clown shimmying down a New York stairway – irresistible invitations to illicit, R-rated netherworlds.' (Introduction)

1 High Ground : Yolngu Boy Director Stephen Maxwell Johnson and Elder Witiyana Marika Reunite for Northern Territory Western Luke Goodsell , 2021 single work column
— Appears in: ABC News [Online] , January 2021;

'Arriving right on time for Australia's contested January 26 public holiday, the thorny new action drama High Ground is the latest in a growing body of local revisionist films to tangle with the racial violence that has become inseparable from the nation's troubled past.' (Introduction)

1 For The Assistant, Filmmaker Kitty Green Gets beyond the #MeToo Headlines to Expose a Toxic Office Culture Luke Goodsell , 2020 single work column
— Appears in: ABC News [Online] , June 2020;

'There's a pivotal, and chilling, moment in The Assistant — the acclaimed new movie by Australian filmmaker Kitty Green — in which Jane (Julia Garner, Ozark), the entry-level underling of a New York studio mogul, visits the company's human resources director, concerned that a young female colleague has become the latest victim of her predatory boss.' (Introduction)

1 The Invisible Man Reboot Shifts Focus Away from Villain Towards Victim in Domestic Violence Tale Luke Goodsell , 2020 single work column
— Appears in: ABC News [Online] , February 2020;

'H.G. Wells's The Invisible Man was often vulnerable to rain, fog, or falling snow, elements that would reveal his phantom shape and give him away to his pursuers.' (Introduction)

1 Modern Slavery and People Smuggling Form Backdrop to South-East Asia-set Australian Film Buoyancy Luke Goodsell , 2019 single work column
— Appears in: ABC News [Online] , September 2019;

'The bleak world of South-East Asian people-smuggling might seem unlikely terrain for a coming-of-age adventure on the pirate fishing seas, but Australian director Rodd Rathjen has taken up the challenge — and attendant cultural risk — for his absorbing feature film debut, Buoyancy.' (Article summary)

1 The Fine Print Luke Goodsell , 2016 single work criticism
— Appears in: Australian Author , December vol. 48 no. 2 2016; (p. 18-22)