y separately published work icon Long Paddock periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Alternative title: Writing Disability
Issue Details: First known date: 2016... vol. 76 no. 2 2016 of Long Paddock est. 2007 Long Paddock
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* Contents derived from the , 2016 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Not Quite Bukowski, Michael Crane , single work autobiography

In this memoir, the author describes his beginnings as a young poet and how he struggled with discrimination and mental institutions before being diagnosed with schizophrenia. He is excluded from the Melbourne poetry scene, but still considers himself as having grown up in the literary world.

Max in Three Words, Rebecca Sullivan , single work autobiography

In three-word sentences, the author chronicles the birth of her first child, Max, and his subsequent upbringing. Max is diagnosed with autism; after several years, the author is diagnosed with situational depression.

A Month of Fine, Heather Taylor Johnson , single work autobiography

The author describes everyday life with Menieres'. She measures the severity of the Menieres' with the Beaufort Wind Scale.

Double Acrostici"Horror, in the beginning. Folding, unfolding of", Stuart Barnes , single work poetry
Of Blindness and God’s Immediacyi"He folded and turned the paper, mumbling to himself and rocking in the one space of thin", Peter Boyle , single work poetry
Inheritancei"Bigger than Christmas,", Phillip Hall , single work poetry
Stitch Sonnetsi"The surgeon plays cat’s cradle with my guts.", Kit Kavanagh-Ryan , single work poetry
A Strange Dream about Wateri"words are strange creatures. they desert to lofty institutions and academic palaces and leave", Anthony Mannix , single work poetry
Epilim Bluesi"I found its meaning in Ancient Greek:", India Breen , single work poetry
The Shack, Stephen Orr , single work short story

Frank Harris is an old man with a grown son, Christopher, who has an intellectual disability. They live on the same piece of land, Christopher in a separate asbestos shed so he can be independent. He recalls the difficulties he had raising Chris. Frank is ill with what is likely lung cancer, and he has discovered he doesn't actually own his land. He tries to make arrangements for Chris' care after he dies.

Living, Aaron Peysack , single work short story
Caring, Lara Williams , single work short story

The narrator, who works as a carer, has been stealing pills from their clients regularly. He is drained by the job and no longer sees the point in it as his clients seem to never improve and continue to verbally abuse him. Having stolen enough pills, he commits suicide at a lookout.

Autumn Royal, She Woke & Rose, Melinda Bufton , single work essay review
'A recent article in The Guardian profiled contemporary British artist Tracey Emin reassembling her most famous and award-winning work “My Bed” (1998) for an upcoming exhibition at the Tate Liverpool. The journalist observes her installation of the twenty-year old component parts and comments that Emin appears to be slightly squeamish about some of the ziplock-bagged items; the condoms, used tissues, the ’90s cigarette butts.' (Introduction)
Joanne Burns, Brush, Allison Gallagher , single work review essay
'How do the ways we interact with the world impact both our navigation through it, and its impact on the self? In what manner do we internalize and externalize our movements through a modern world that is simultaneously both terrifying and crudely sterile? “does your share portfolio ache” (3) opens joanne burns’ most recent collection, brush. It’s a succinct précis of the wonderfully incongruous juxtaposition that permeates much of the collection. brush is burns’ sixteenth book of poetry, her first collection Snatch published in London in 1972. Burns’ work has long satirised the bizarre edifices of contemporary culture, creating work that subverts the ostensible solemnity of these structures, a practice brush continues. Intentionally distorting clarity in order to explore and emphasise both the spectacular unknown and the absurd “normalities” of modern life, burns’ poems comprise of clever, incisive musings that centre largely on the mundane everyday. Split into six sequences, brush showcases burns’ penchant for asymmetrically collaging techniques and styles in a way that blurs lines, defying poetic convention. The assemblage of poetry, prose and microfiction contained throughout gleefully contravenes protocol and fucks with format while retaining coherency and impact, a way of storytelling that could easily feel clumsy were it not so uncompromising in its sharpness.' (Introduction)
Tamryn Bennett, Phosphene,, Autumn Royal , single work essay review
'Visual perception does not cease in the dark. The fractals of light, geometric patterns, stars and spirals that may occur when our eyes are closed are known as phosphenes.' (Introduction)