y separately published work icon Jurnul Kritik periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2012... no. 3 2012 of Jurnul Kritik est. 2011 Jurnul Kritik
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  • Contents indexed selectively.


* Contents derived from the 2012 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Australian Literature in the 'Translation Zone' : The 1991 Brissenden/Sapardi Anthology of Australian Poetry, Ian Campbell , single work criticism

From the article:

'I shall now set out some of the characteristics of the 1991 Brissenden/Sapardi anthology of Australian poetry in translation - in terms of guiding principles set out in the editors’ statements, the nature of the translation processes adopted, the selections made of poets whose work was anthologised and translated, and also examine the paratext of the publication. This will be followed by some contrasting examples of the process of translation in a number of the specific poems in the anthology, reflecting upon the linguistic challenges they present. I shall briefly compare the Indonesian anthology to some other anthologies of Australian poetry in translation, specifically the earlier Tsaloumas anthology of poetry in Greek translation (1985/86) and the Triesch and Krausmann anthology of Australian poetry in German translation (1994). Finally, I shall place the Brissenden/Sapardi anthology in the context of developments in the area of Indonesian translations of Australian poetry since 1991.'

(p. 92-104)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

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