y separately published work icon The Everyday Autism Series series - author   picture book  
Issue Details: First known date: 2016... 2016 The Everyday Autism Series
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y separately published work icon Madi at Kinder Monique Cain , Andrew Louis (illustrator), Australia : Monique Cain , 2016 10534530 2016 single work picture book children's

'Blue-eyed Madi has a difficult gift. She looks just like all the other kids at Kinder, but she is different - she has autism. Look at the world through Madi's eyes as she goes to Kinder and understand the challenges and joys of daily life with autism for Madi, her classmates, and her teachers.' (Publication summary)

y separately published work icon Madi Starts School Monique Cain , Andrew Louis (illustrator), Australia : Monique Cain , 2016 10534570 2016 single work picture book children's

'Blue-eyed Madi is growing up, and now it is time for her to go to school. It's not always easy for Madi to cope with change because she has a difficult gift - she has autism. At school, Madi learns many things and so do her classmates and her teachers. We all know it's not easy being different, especially when you struggle to find words to express yourself.' (Publication summary)

y separately published work icon Madi Monique Cain , Andrew Louis (illustrator), Australia : Monique Cain , 2016 10534614 2016 single work picture book children's

'Blu-eyed Madi has a difficult gift. At first sight she looks just like most other kids her age, but she is different - she has autism. This book tells about Madi's early years and how hard it was to discover what was going on inside her precious mind and heart.' (Publication summary)

y separately published work icon Madi Goes Shopping Monique Cain , Andrew Louis (illustrator), Australia : Monique Cain , 2016 10534654 2016 single work picture book children's

'Blue-eyed Madi has a difficult gift. She looks just like all the other kids you see at the shop, but she is different - she has autism. Look at the world through Madi's eyes as she goes shopping with her mother and understand the challenges and joys of daily life with autism for Madi and her parents.' (Publication summary)

y separately published work icon I Am Thomas Monique Cain , Andrew Louis (illustrator), Rosebud : 3MT Media , 2018 15432376 2018 single work picture book children's

'Thomas loves to dress up and act out stories. He delights in exploring different textures and loses himself in his own world. He looks like any other boy his age, but struggles to find the words he needs to explain how he is feeling. See the world through Thomas' eyes and understand how his autism sometimes means that his response to everyday challenges is hard for others to understand and accept.' (Synopsis)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

First known date: 2016
Last amended 9 Jan 2017 06:50:02
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