Teacher, Samantha Faulkner single work   prose  
Issue Details: First known date: 2016... 2016 Teacher, Samantha Faulkner
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon A Pocketful of Leadership in the ACT Kerry Reed-Gilbert (editor), Australian Capital Territory : KLaS , 2016 10476015 2016 anthology

    'A Pocketful of Leadership in the ACT is dedicated to two remarkable Wiradjuri warriors Jimmy Clements and John Noble. These men represented us, Aboriginal people, the original owners of this land. Jimmy walked from Tumut to Canberra for nearly a week to attend and protest at the opening of Old Parliament House. He was known as ‘King Billy’ or his Tribal name of Nangar or Yangar, he performed initiation ceremonies. He died soon after on the 28 August 1927, aged 80, he is buried in Queanbeyan. John Noble also walked from NSW to attend the opening. He was known as ‘Marvelous.’ He is known to have travelled around southern New South Wales and for giving demonstrations of boomerang throwing. He had a reputation for attending political meetings and was seen at a political rally at Cootamundra in 1914. He was also about 80 years old in 1927, he died March 30 1928. Both men were Elders and well-known and well respected ‘Lore men’.' (Source: Kerry Reed-Gilbert 2016)

    Australian Capital Territory : KLaS , 2016
    pg. 7-8
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