The Creative Imagination : Greg Dening single work   criticism  
Issue Details: First known date: 2016... 2016 The Creative Imagination : Greg Dening
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Art of Time Travel : Historians and Their Craft Tom Griffiths , Carlton : Black Inc. , 2016 9458277 2016 multi chapter work criticism biography

    'Writing good history is a high-wire act of balance and grace. Historians scour their own societies for vestiges of past worlds, for cracks and fissures in the pavement of the present, and for the shimmers and hauntings of history in everyday action.

    'In The Art of Time Travel, eminent historian and award-winning author Tom Griffiths explores the craft of discipline and imagination that is history. Through portraits of fifteen historians at work, including Inga Clendinnen, Judith Wright, Geoffrey Blainey and Henry Reynolds, he observes how a body of work is constructed out of a life-long dialogue between past evidence and present experience.

    'Riveting, beautiful and elegantly written, this landmark book conjures fresh insights into the history of Australia and revitalises our sense of the historian’s craft – what Tom Griffiths calls “the art of time travel”.' (Publication summary)

    Carlton : Black Inc. , 2016
    pg. 114-132
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