Issue Details: First known date: 2016... 2016 Buggered If I Know Where I Am: the Stories behind Australia’s Weird and Wonderful Place Names
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'Why is it that despite how much and how often we use toponyms (place names) linguists, geographers, cartographers, and historians know so little about how they actually work?'

'Why is it that place names are less prone to change than other aspects of language like accents and pronunciations? And how is it that regardless of how well furnished a map or smartphone may be with place names and directions, we still bloody well get lost? And why are so many Australian places named after knobs? ...'

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Last amended 31 Oct 2016 10:59:43 Buggered If I Know Where I Am: the Stories behind Australia’s Weird and Wonderful Place Namessmall AustLit logo The Conversation
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