image of person or book cover 5827377002447715249.jpg
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y separately published work icon The Fix-It Man single work   picture book   children's  
Issue Details: First known date: 2017... 2017 The Fix-It Man
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'It's handy having a dad who can fix just about anything. A young girl believes her father is the king of fixing things. But following the death of her mother, she discovers that broken hearts are not as easy to repair as damaged toys and cracked teapots. Together, she and her father find a way to glue back the pieces of her lives. The Fix-It Man is a poignant picture book that explores how a child can cope with the loss of a parent (in this case, the young girl's mother). Repairing damaged emotions is not as straightforward as gluing a broken kite back together or sewing up a torn toy. And grief affects all members of a family, with each responding in their own way to the loss. By sticking with her father, the young girl is able to strengthen her resilience and ability to cope with one of life's harshest experiences. The author was encouraged to seek publication for this story after receiving the endorsement of several grief counsellors who work with children and who recognised the need for a book such as this.' (Publication summary)

Teaching Resources

Teaching Resources

This work has teaching resources.

Teachers' notes via publisher's website.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

    • Wollombi, Quorrobolong - Millfield - Wollombi area, Hunter Valley, Newcastle - Hunter Valley area, New South Wales,: EK Books , 2017 .
      image of person or book cover 5827377002447715249.jpg
      This image has been sourced from online.
      Extent: 32p.
      Description: illus.
      • Published March 2017
      ISBN: 9781925335347
Alternative title: "万能修"先生
Transliterated title: "wan neng xiu"xian sheng
Language: Chinese
Last amended 15 Jan 2025 14:53:02
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