'Amy and her brother Andy live in a small regional Queensland town caring for their sick mother. Amy escapes her mundane life through fantasies about her idol – Olivia Newton-John. However Andy is desperate to move on and enjoy the future he has planned for himself.
'This play with music moves between scenes of fantasy and reality to depict Amy’s hopes and fears and her feelings of loneliness, guilt, and denial. Olivia Newton-John’s own life story contextualises Amy’s and eventually becomes her source of inspiration and hope.
'Hopelessly Devoted is the latest work by Queensland playwright Elise Greig. Using humour and the popular hits of Olivia Newton-John, the play addresses serious issues of personal and familial responsibilities; growing up; fame and identity; and the powerful role of music and art in our lives. The conflict between Amy and Andy dramatically depicts a transitional time in life – when we must let go of the past and the people we know to embrace an uncertain future. ' (Production summary)