y separately published work icon Mascara Literary Review periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2016... no. 19 September 2016 of Mascara Literary Review est. 2007 Mascara Literary Review
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* Contents derived from the , 2016 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Anorexia in Autumni"image of autumn breaking against the trees", Robbie Coburn , single work poetry
A Waking Farmi"We will never know what they are barking at.", Robbie Coburn , single work poetry
The Dogsi"One month after Senor Flores’ death, his widow, Dona Carlinda, arranged a Mind Mass in the", Frank Russo , single work poetry
Under My Feeti"For those of us with wheels under our feet", Sukhmani Khorana , single work poetry
Sidney Poitier Sighsi"Now the green waste truck has gone,", Michael R. Griffiths , single work poetry
Of Cartilagei"If there is order to this world,", Michael R. Griffiths , single work poetry
Australia’s New White Paper on Defence and Blake’s Illustration of Dante’s Inferno, Canto 21 : Devils Proffering Protectioni"Smug as pulling an all-night session cooking the books,", John Kinsella , single work poetry
Fascinumi"We possess nothing in the world,", Libby Hart , single work poetry
Cassowaries, Etty Bayi"They stride out of prehistory.", Jena Woodhouse , single work poetry
AXIS 47 : Cagei"A choral re:rhythming of John Cage’s Lecture on Nothing", A. J. Carruthers , single work poetry
An Invasion of Cloudsi"My study has just been invaded by clouds", David Brooks , single work poetry
Midnighti"Midnight, and out of nowhere", David Brooks , single work poetry
Winter : Liebestodi"Inured by now to snow", Tracy Ryan , single work poetry
Winch-Birdi"Unseen, and named not by our utterance but by his own,", Tracy Ryan , single work poetry
Feral Dogs In Igoumenitsai"A rag-tag gang of teeth and fur approach the work-lights at the Port of Igoumenitsa. Each", single work poetry
The Death Traini"You’re all grown up now.", Prerna Bakshi , single work poetry
‘Whaling Station’ Reduxi"What trash, that poem of mine about the whaling station", David McCooey , single work poetry
Europe Davidi"The grey and the green", David McCooey , single work poetry
Stuart Park Lagooni"After the storm, the stream breaches", Ben Hession , single work poetry
Takeni"These eyes that split", Andrew Stuckgold , single work poetry