Suffrajitsu began as a series of graphic novels that formed part of the Foreworld Saga, a 'a secret history transmedia franchise': written by multiple authors over a range of novels, novellas, and graphic novels, the Foreworld Saga developed the secret history of martial arts in Western civilisation. Originated by the Subutai Corporation, the series also released works on Amazon's various platforms, including Jet City Comics and Kindle Worlds.
Although Kindle Worlds is primarily dedicated to fan fiction based on a series of properties, four licensed novellas were published in the Suffrajitsu world, partly under the guidance of Tony Wolf, the author of the original graphic novels.
'London, 1910. Spoilt and wild, Genevieve Cranston is a party girl with little to live for when her reckless lifestyle flings into the gutters after the suspicious death of her father and the mysterious disappearance of her younger brother Lindsey.
'Rescued, redeemed and trained for action by the radical suffragette Amazons, Genevieve will stop at nothing to find her missing brother. She is soon caught up in a dense web of deceit and double-dealing, as both sides of the political landscape manoeuvre to shape the future of the free world.
'Time is running out, war is on the horizon and Genevieve needs to grow up fast. Lindsey is an important player in the game of cat and mouse, and with the aid of some gifted friends, Genevieve is hell-bent on saving him, and upon revenge.
'Unless it all goes wrong.'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
United States of America (USA) : Kindle Worlds , 2015