Benalla Award for Audio Book of the Year
Subcategory of Awards Australian Awards
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Latest Winners / Recipients

Year: 1997

winner y separately published work icon Night Letters : A Journey Through Switzerland and Italy Robert Dessaix , Sydney : Macmillan Australia , 1996 Z529292 1996 single work novel (taught in 7 units) “Every night for twenty nights in a hotel room in Venice, an Australian man recently diagnosed with an incurable disease writes a letter home to a friend. In these letters, against a rich background of earlier journeys in literature, with Dante as his imagined guide, he reflects on what it means to live a good life in the face of death.”

Year: 1995

winner y separately published work icon Goodbye Girlie Patsy Adam-Smith , Ringwood : Penguin , 1995 Z104232 1995 single work autobiography

Year: 1992

winner y separately published work icon Jewels and Ashes Arnold Zable , Newham : Scribe , 1991 Z195663 1991 biography First his parents made a journey to the New World. It was the 1930s, and Europe was seething. As he grew up, Arnold Zable heard tales, songs, fragments of the world they had left behind. He had inherited a fractured, vibrant past which both fascinated and disturbed him. Finally, he had to confront the mystery: he had to travel back to the Old World, to his parents' home, to his grandparents' birthplace, and to a land pervaded by ancestral ghosts. (Publisher's blurb)