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y separately published work icon Fire : A Collection of Stories, Poems and Visual Images anthology   poetry   short story  
Issue Details: First known date: 2013... 2013 Fire : A Collection of Stories, Poems and Visual Images
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* Contents derived from the Witchcliffe, Margaret River area, Busselton - Augusta area, Far Southwest Western Australia, Western Australia,:Margaret River Press , 2013 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Walardu and Karla, David Milroy , single work short story (p. 11-26)
Fire : Some Kind of Energy, Sharon Tassicker , single work art work (p. 27-48)
Cool Change, Kate Rizzetti , single work poetry (p. 49-60)
Getting on with Life, Francoise van der Plank , single work poetry (p. 61-69)
Bushfirei"Tumultuous, for months", Paul Hetherington , single work poetry (p. 70-72)
Coming Down to Earthi"In this layer of our domestic palimpsest", Carmel MacDonald-Grahame , single work poetry (p. 73-76)
Holyoake, Donna Mazza , single work short story (p. 77-82)
Raining Blood and Money : Remembering the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, Cassandra Atherton , single work prose (p. 83-97)
No Surrender, Dorothy Simmons , single work poetry (p. 98-114)
At Glendalough Monasteryi"What the Normans left standing", Judy Johnson , single work poetry (p. 115-118)
In the Great Kiln, Michelle Leber , single work poetry (p. 119-120)
Isaac's Land Is Burningi"You pack", Miranda Aitken , single work poetry (p. 122)
Firestorm, Jo Gardiner , single work poetry (p. 123-141)
Lamprey, Aksel Dadswell , single work poetry (p. 142-153)
The Alkali Cleansingi"In this forest I smell", 'Jackson' , single work poetry (p. 161-162)
Alert Message : North Warrandyte, Victoria Feb. 7th 2009, Karen Throssell , single work short story (p. 163-166)
The Pressure Suit, Brooke Dunnell , single work short story (p. 167-184)
Quest for Fire, Claire Dunn , single work short story (p. 185-197)
Building Firei"My mother takes an axt", Moya Pacey , single work poetry (p. 198-200)
The Water Tanksi"She called them his mistress", Rachael Mead , single work poetry (p. 201-202)