y separately published work icon The Silver Brumby Centenary Edition selected work   novel   young adult  
Issue Details: First known date: 2012... 2012 The Silver Brumby Centenary Edition
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* Contents derived from the Sydney, New South Wales,:HarperCollins Australia , 2012 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Solvhingstens datter Silver Brumby's Daughter, Elyne Mitchell , Eva Marie Motzfeldt (translator) single work novel young adult
Thowra's speed and courage have always saved him from the men who want to capture him - until now, when the men come on skis quickly and silently over the mountains. This time Thowra must protect his daughter from the hunters who prize the silver brumbies above any other horse.
Solvhingstens sonner Silver Brumbies of the South, Elyne Mitchell , single work novel young adult

Every horse raised its head and stood staring, unbelieving. Three magnificent silver stallions cantered along the ridge of the hill, outlined against the fiery Australian sunset. Who were they and what brought them here? Danger and death face all the wild horses before one of them can become the Silver Stallion of the South.

Solvhestenes rike Silver Brumby Kingdom, Elyne Mitchell , Eva Marie Motzfeldt (translator) single work novel young adult
Baringa, grandson of the mighty Silver Brumby, was frantic. The rain had changed the river into a raging torrent and Dawn, his lovely cream filly, had been swept away by the force of the current. He must save her.