y separately published work icon Cercles periodical issue  
Note: Guest editors
Issue Details: First known date: 2012... no. 26 2012 of Cercles est. 2000- Cercles
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* Contents derived from the , 2012 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Introduction : Patrick White Centenary : A Tribute, David Coad , single work criticism
Surveys the essays in this volume and outlines the many events that marked the Patrick White centenary.
(p. 1-5)
'A Fringe of Leaves' : The Edge of the Sacred, Bill Ashcroft , single work criticism
Ashcroft reads Patrick White's A Fringe of Leaves for its exploration of 'a different way of experiencing the sacred' (6).
(p. 6-21)
'Rubbed by the Warming Violins' : Music and Patrick White, Fiona Richards , single work criticism
'This article examines some of the rich and complex ways in which music plays an integral role in the works of Patrick White. While there is an increasing body of writings on analogies between music and fiction, there is as yet no comprehensive study of the extensive use of music in Australian poetry and fiction, and none written from the perspective of a musicologist. White belongs to a strong tradition of writers in Australia who are or were in various senses musical; that is, either they make specific references to pieces of music in their writing, they deploy musical structures and techniques, or the way in which they write is inherently musical' (p. 23).
(p. 22-38)
Patrick White and His Brazilian Contemporaries, Ian Alexander , single work criticism (p. 39-56)
Utopianism in Patrick White's The Living and the Dead, Robyn Walton , single work criticism (p. 57-72)
And Stood Breathing : Patrick White and the Novelistic Discourse of Modernism, Charles Lock , single work criticism (p. 73-89)