y separately published work icon The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2012... 16-17 June 2012 of The Sydney Morning Herald est. 1842 The Sydney Morning Herald
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* Contents derived from the , 2012 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Armchair Journey, Bruce Elder , single work review
— Review of Welcome to the Outback Sue Williams , 2012 single work prose ;
(p. 5) Section: Traveller
Youth Movement, Elissa Blake , single work column
'They want raw, risky and energetic productions but young audiences are not being catered to by the main-stage theatre companies.' (Editor's abstract)
(p. 6, 8) Section: Spectrum
Buzz of the Oscars for Miles Franklin, but Two Favourites Will Miss the Big Night, Susan Wyndham , single work column
Susan Wyndham previews the 2012 Miles Franklin Literary Award announcement. Wyndham notes that two of the shortlisted authors - Anna Funder and Gillian Mears - will not be present for the presentation; Funder will be at a literary festival in England and Mears is unable to travel for health reasons.
(p. 7)
Note: col. illus.
ABC Presenter Dies after Falling Ill at Work, single work column (p. 10)
Note: col. port. (Alan Saunders)
Eyes off the Real Prize A Loss for Words, Richard Flanagan , single work column
Richard Flanagan reflects on whether prizes 'really are good for the literary culture'. (Editor's abstract)
(p. 22) Section: New Review
  • With title: Eyes off the Real Prize
  • col. illus.
A Hallowed Name Synonymous with Australian Jazz, Harriet Veitch , single work obituary (p. 28)
Note: col. port. (Graeme Bell)
Undercover, Susan Wyndham , single work column
A column canvassing current literary news including some notes on the Byron Bay Writers' Festival and the Whitsunday Writers' Festival. Susan Wyndham also reports on an issue of the US journal McSweeney's which includes writing by Indigenous Australian authors.
(p. 31) Section: Spectrum
Secret Society, A. P. Riemer , single work review
— Review of A History of Books Gerald Murnane , 2012 selected work short story ;
(p. 32-33) Section: Spectrum
Note: col. illus.
Obsession Leads to Adventure in Java, James Robertson , single work review
— Review of Running Dogs Ruby Murray , 2012 single work novel ;
(p. 33) Section: Spectrum
An Affair to Remember, Emma Young , single work review
— Review of My Hundred Lovers Susan Johnson , 2012 single work novel ;
(p. 34) Section: Spectrum
Note: col. illus.
In Short : Fiction, Kerryn Goldsworthy , single work review
— Review of Mary Bennet Jennifer Paynter , 2012 single work novel ;
(p. 34) Section: Spectrum
Songs of Praise, John Carmody , single work review
— Review of Women of Note : The Rise of Australian Women Composers Rosalind Appleby , 2012 selected work biography ;
(p. 37) Section: Spectrum
Note: col. port. (Rosalind Appleby)
A Marked Degree of Strangeness, Peter Kenneally , single work review
— Review of Outside David McCooey , 2011 selected work poetry ;
(p. 37) Section: Spectrum