y separately published work icon National Indigenous Times newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2012... no. 260 18 April 2012 of National Indigenous Times est. 2002 National Indigenous Times
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* Contents derived from the , 2012 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Family, Friends Gather in Walgett To Pay Homage To a Loving Jimmy Little, single work column (p. 5)
Jack Gets a Fresh Look....and a Spot in the National Gallery, single work column
A portrait of Jack Charles by Roderick McNicol is the winner of the National Photographic Portrait Prize 2012 on display at the National Portrait Gallery in Canberra from 20 March to 20 May 2012.
(p. 10)
Bolt Back in the News Over Racist Comments, Saffron Howden , single work column (p. 12)
Linda McBride-Yuke, single work interview (p. 16)
Note: Portrait of Linda McBride-Yuke.
A Great Tribute To My Mother, Rosemary van den Berg , single work autobiography (p. 22)
Belvoir Launches Indigenous Playwright's Award, Elly Clough , single work column (p. 31)
Note: Portrait of Neil Balnaves and Rachael Maza.
Sydney Philanthropist Criticises Axing of Queensland Premier's Literary Award, single work column (p. 31)