y separately published work icon The Sun-Herald newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2012... 29 April 2012 of The Sun-Herald est. 1953- The Sun-Herald
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* Contents derived from the , 2012 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
And Now for the Great Australian Novel Vanishing Trick, Amanda Dunn , single work column (p. 9)
Generation Y Takes to E-Books, Sarah Whyte , single work column (p. 11)
There's No Place Like Home, Marc McEvoy , single work column (p. 18) Section: Unwind
Public Faces and Private Shames Fiction, John Bailey , single work review
— Review of Running Dogs Ruby Murray , 2012 single work novel ;
(p. 19) Section: Unwind
Note: With title: Public Faces and Private Shames
Aussies Are on the Page, Marc McEvoy , single work column (p. 19) Section: Unwind: Footnotes
Footy Fable Kicks Goal, Marc McEvoy , single work column (p. 19) Section: Unwind: Footnotes
Underbelly Just Loves a Bad Girl, Jo Casamento , single work column (p. 56) Section: S
The Nation That Lost Its Own Stories Losing Our Local Flavour, Amanda Dunn , single work criticism
'Australia boasts a rich and fascinating literary history but getting people interested - particularly younger readers, not to mention politicians and even some publishers - is proving a massive challenge...' (Editor's abstract: The Sun Herald 29 April 2012)
(p. 78-79) Section: Extra
Note: With title: The Nation That Lost Its Own Stories
Careful, We Might Lose a Proud Literary Heritage, single work column (p. 80) Section: Extra: Editorial