y separately published work icon The Colonist newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1835... vol. 1 no. 44 29 October 1835 of The Colonist est. 1835 The Colonist
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* Contents derived from the , 1835 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Colonial Nomenclaturei"'Twas said of Greece two thousand years ago,", John Dunmore Lang , single work poetry satire
A satire on Governor Macquarie's propensity to name buildings and geographical landmarks after himself.
(p. 345)
Note: Published within the article headed 'The Recent Expedition of Discovery'.
The Sydney Gazette, Henry Bull , single work column
A series of columns between the Sydney Gazette and the Colonist was sparked by comments made by the Colonist on the impending trial of John Laing (one-time clerk for the Gazette). In this column, the writer for the Colonist, probably Henry Bull, turns the conversation away from the court case and towards subscriber numbers. Bull contends that many of the Gazette's subscribers are cancelling their subscriptions and taking up a subscription with the Colonist instead.
(p. 348)
Imprisonment for Debti"O Britons! patriots! freemen! ye who boast", Nathaniel Lipscomb Kentish , extract poetry (p. 350)