y separately published work icon The Australian newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2011... 4 November 2011 of The Australian est. 1964 The Australian
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* Contents derived from the , 2011 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Subversive Rag Slice of the Times, Andrew Fraser , single work column

'The exhibition, Cane Toad Times: Poking fun in a police state, showcases original issues of Cane Toad Times publications as the centrepiece of an unfolding cultural history created by a collective of individuals who sought to expose a hidden Brisbane. During a time that saw street marching banned, the demolition of heritage buildings, corrupt police and the tightening grip of a conservative government, Cane Toad Times offered an alternative view of Queensland.

'This view conflicted with the then 'official' view, but was nevertheless tinged with a sense of nostalgia, with genuine feelings for the place where most of the contributors either lived or grew up" (Simon Stocks). With stories called "Death of a Prostitute", "Queensland Politics - Trust Honest Greed", "A Cute Psychotic State", "Kicking the Sunbeam" and "Expo Aversion Therapy," the Cane Toad Times contributors embraced satire and popular culture in their irreverent storytelling whilst exploring the issues, events and problems predominantly misrepresented by mainstream media.

'Indeed, the Cane Toad Times contributors anticipated the rise of Citizen Journalism with their street-press style magazine that responded to the eroding trust in the media and public disillusionment with politics and civic affairs.' Source: www.slq.qld.gov.au/ (Sighted 08/11/2011).

(p. 18)