Issue Details: First known date: 1969... 1969 Verses of Ould Bungaree : In Key of D Sharp
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* Contents derived from the Bungaree, Moorabool Shire - Ballarat area, Ballarat area, Ballarat - Bendigo area, Victoria,:Upper Moorabool Historical Society , 1969 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Irish Stew! : (Poetic Ingredients)i"There's a voice from the land of the taters,", Juvenal , single work poetry humour (p. 5-6)
Bungaree Bandi"When you're strolling by the Gong Gong in the evening,", Juvenal , single work poetry humour (p. 7-9)
Bungareei"Now all you blokes take my advice,", single work poetry (p. 10-11)
Londrigan's Welli"In Bungaree where the tubers grow", Michael Londrigan , single work poetry humour (p. 12-15)
Spud Diggers' Retreati"They're leaving now by rail and track,", James Barbour , single work poetry (p. 16)
Our Pubi"It bears a clean and honest name", James Barbour , single work poetry (p. 17)
The Man from Bungareei"'I come,' he said, 'from Cockytown, the town of gunny bags,", James Barbour , single work poetry humour (p. 18-19)
The Hayro of Twinty-One Foightsi"The moonlight shone down on Killarney", Juvenal , single work poetry (p. 20-22)
The Warrenheip Champi"A party known as Gamble", single work poetry humour (p. 23-5)
Tommy Corrigan : Died 13 August 1894i"You talk of riders on the flat, of nerve and dash and pace!", A. B. Paterson , single work poetry (p. 26)
Gold and Galsi"The Gordon Girls, by jove, they're pearls,", Anonymous (fl. 1935-1940) , single work poetry (p. 27)
Paper Bag Cookeryi"Now you've heard about the latest kind of cooking,", single work poetry humour (p. 28)
Bungaree-Shire Council Orchestrayi"There's a sound av somethin' buzzin'", Juvenal , single work poetry humour (p. 29-31)
Note: First appeared in the Ballarat Star 22/2/1908.
Reidy's Paid the Renti"We're all so glad in Bungaree", Casey of Leigh Creek , single work poetry humour (p. 31-2)
You'd Hardly Call Thim Croniesi"They both came from County Clare", P. F. Sullivan , single work poetry humour (p. 32-33)
Lament for Father Sheridani""I must write to Darling Mother", single work poetry (p. 34-35)
Remember Mei"I long have thought my youthful friend in fond remembrance of the past", John Green Wall , single work poetry (p. 35)
The Cronies I Knowi"I've thought as I scanned o'er these bumpy old verses", Murty Lee , single work poetry (p. 36)