'Jacaranda Blues is about our society's ultimate failure to resolve class, psychological and emotional issues. Through the main character...Rhonda Smith, the readers are exposed to their troubled lives in which they seem to be endlessly battling traumatic situations one after the other. A product of a dysfunctional family, Rhonda Smith herself has many aspirations but fails to accomplish them. Her optimism and her relentless struggle to be make things better portrays her as a person of dogged determination but all her endeavors prove futile when she can not alter brother David and sister Clara. His death is a huge blow to all her efforts. Her disappointments with Chris, and her incapacity to love Sam, adds but to that misery. But she is able to rise like the phoenix in starting all over, because she finds Cherubs, a handicapped child that she adopts. She is able to overcome not just her pains but her menopausal fears as well...to a certain extent through Cherubs. And this is where the strength of this story lies. The story has an interesting twist in the end and it is up to the readers to judge whether or not the characters have been mete-out with poetic justice! Are they happy at last in their life's trade-offs.' Source: www.publishamerica.net/ (Sighted 19/09/2011).