Alternative title: Letteratura dell'Oceania
Issue Details: First known date: 2009... no. 11/12 2009 of Crocevia : Scritture Straniere, Migranti e di Viaggio est. 2004 Crocevia : Scritture Straniere, Migranti e di Viaggio
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* Contents derived from the , 2009 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
L'Esotico a Casa The Exotic at Home, David Malouf , Tiberia Leo (translator) single work autobiography (p. 24-33)
Tasmanian, Peter Dayble , Anna Conte (translator) single work short story
A story about a child and his mother living away from civilisation in the outback of Tasmania is all as it appears on the surface.
(p. 34-36)
Rimani giui"Scala ogni montagna, cantava la veccia suora", Paul Sherman , Aldo Magagnino (translator) single work poetry (p. 236)
Fuori stradai"Mia sorella li ha visti: un paio de bighelloni", Paul Sherman , Aldo Magagnino (translator) single work poetry (p. 237-238)
Ragazzo sul busi"Il ragazzo nero sul sedile de fronte illumina l'autobus", Paul Sherman , Aldo Magagnino (translator) single work poetry (p. 239)
La "Sorte" a Outer Rock Venture at the Outer Rock, Val Vallis , Aldo Magagnino (translator) sequence poetry (p. 240-241)
Il lamento dello skipper The Complaint of the Skipperi"Hold the weather and the Venture will put in", Val Vallis , Aldo Magagnino (translator) single work poetry (p. 240-241)
L'apprendista The Apprenticei"What madness called me from the timber haul?", Val Vallis , Aldo Magagnino (translator) single work poetry (p. 240-241)
La ballata dell'orologio di Changi The Ballad of Changi Chimesi"The clock on Changi's grey-walled tower", Val Vallis , Aldo Magagnino (translator) single work poetry (p. 241-242)
L'anno dell'albero The Year of the Treei"I carried a tree", Katherine Gallagher , Aldo Magagnino (translator) single work poetry (p. 243-244)
Pensando a mia madre nell'anniversario della morte Thinking of My Mother on Her Anniversaryi"I search her face across a hemisphere,", Katherine Gallagher , Aldo Magagnino (translator) single work poetry (p. 244-245)