Issue Details: First known date: 2011... no. 25 2011 of Zeitschrift für Australienstudien est. 2005 Zeitschrift fur Australienstudien
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* Contents derived from the , 2011 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The 'Great Australian Silence', the 'Cult of Forgetfulness' and the Hegemony of Memory, Mitchell Rolls , single work criticism
'Discussion of the necessary and moral force of remembering or lack of remembering as a form of domination and argues that notions of Australia's flawed past compromises a later maturity; critique of the culture of "ennobling guilt"; includes discussion on whether "Australia's settler-society 'amnesia' concerning colonial treatment of the Indigenous is not a standard feature of juvenile humans - and the settler era represents a juvenile phase in Australian history"; "cult of forgetfulness' practised on a national scale".' Source: (Sighted 11/07/2012)
(p. 7-26)
Politics, Clichés and the 'Lucky Country' : Murray Bail's Critique of National Mythologies in 'Holden's Performance', Michael Ackland , single work criticism (p. 27-41)
Genteel Pursuits in the Bush : Colonial Gentelwomen's Appreciation of Rural Australia in the Mid-Nineteen Century, Ildikó Dömötör , single work criticism
'Female British settlers’ lives in colonial Australia anfd their recreational pursuits are discussed in this article. Many colonial women informed their home audience of the peculiarities of their new lives in their letters, diaries, memoirs and travel books. Women’s texts differ considerably from men’s accounts because their emphasis is on the depiction of private life, family relationships and domestic concerns. In addition, these ladies also sought to depict the Australian colonies in terms of their botanical and ethnographical diversity as well as their history and social development.' Source: (sighted 11/07/2012).
(p. 42-52)
Ludwig Salvator : Reis die Welt ohne zu wollen, Eva Meidl , single work criticism (p. 63-75)
Alex Millers' Utopian Vision of a Bi-Cultural Australian Identity in his novel 'Journey to the Stone Country', Anne Koch , single work criticism (p. 76-84)
[Review] Messengers of Eros : Representations of Sex in Australian Writing, Braun-Bau Susanne , single work review
— Review of Messengers of Eros : Representations of Sex in Australian Writing Xavier Pons , 2009 single work criticism ;
(p. 107-112)
Untitled, Heide Fruth-Sachs , single work review
— Review of Beyond the Yellow Pale: Essays and Criticism Yu Ouyang , 2010 selected work essay criticism ;
(p. 113-119)
[Review] Water from the Moon : Illusion and Reality in the Works of Australian Novelist Christopher Koch, Igor Maver , single work review
— Review of Water from the Moon : Illusion and Reality in the Works of Australian Novelist Christopher Koch Jean-François Vernay , 2007 multi chapter work criticism ;
(p. 137-140)
Untitled, Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp , single work review
— Review of Rewriting History : Peter Carey's Fictional Biography of Australia Andreas Gaile , 2010 single work criticism ;
(p. 140-145)
Untitled, Marion Spies , single work review
— Review of Rainforest Narratives : The Work of Janette Turner Hospital David Callahan , 2009 single work criticism ;
(p. 146-151)
Untitled, Elisabeth Bähr , single work review
— Review of Auntie Rita Rita Cynthia Huggins , Jackie Huggins , 1994 single work biography ;
(p. 157-160)
Untitled, Peter O. Stummer , single work review
— Review of The Boat Nam Le , 2008 selected work short story ;
(p. 161-164)
Untitled, Werner Senn , single work review
— Review of The West : Australian Poems 1989-2009 John Mateer , 2010 selected work poetry ;
(p. 165-169)