y separately published work icon The Weekend Australian newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2011... 21-22 May 2011 of The Australian est. 1964 The Weekend Australian
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* Contents derived from the , 2011 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Primal Urge to Pass on Insights Earns Acclaim for Our Critic, Stephen Romei , single work column (p. 2)
Winton's Silence Drives the Debate on the Real Cloudstreet, Nicolas Perpitch , single work column (p. 3)
From Battler to Psychotic Killer, Jack Marx , single work review
— Review of Snowtown Shaun Grant , 2010 single work film/TV ;
(p. 5) Section: Enquirer
Pickles and Lambs, Michael Bodey , single work review
— Review of Cloudstreet Tim Winton , Ellen Fontana , 2011 series - publisher film/TV ;
Michael Body goes on the set as Australia's best-loved novel is filmed and talks to Tim Winton about how Cloudstreet happened.
(p. 5-6) Section: Review
Across the Divide, Fiona Gruber , single work biography (p. 7) Section: Review
Horrific Authority of Truth, Evan Williams , single work review
— Review of Snowtown Shaun Grant , 2010 single work film/TV ;
(p. 17) Section: Review
Winton's Enduring Crowd Pleaser, Brenda Walker , single work review
— Review of Cloudstreet Tim Winton , 1991 single work novel ;
Review of the TV tie-in edition.
(p. 18-19) Section: Review
A Pair of Ragged Claws, Stephen Romei , single work column
Romei congratulates Georgie Williamson on winning the 2011 Pascall Prize for critical writing.
(p. 19) Section: Review
A Handful of Thoughts before the Dust, Craig Sherborne , single work criticism (p. 20) Section: Review
Reclining Nudei"Reclining nude, you've turned away", Ross Donlon , single work poetry (p. 20) Section: Review
Romance of the Written Word, Mardi McConnochie , single work criticism
Mardi McConnochie asks why literary novelists have 'given up on love'.
(p. 20-21) Section: Review
Steering That Fine Line between Clever and Contrived, Ed Wright , single work review
— Review of The Wonder of Seldom Seen J. D. Cregan , 2011 single work novel ;
(p. 22-23)
From Spice Girl Ghost to Crime Fiction Master, Graeme Blundell , single work review
— Review of The Wreckage Michael Robotham , 2011 single work novel ;
(p. 25) Section: Review