y separately published work icon The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2011... 26-27 March 2011 of The Sydney Morning Herald est. 1842 The Sydney Morning Herald
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* Contents derived from the , 2011 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
How a Career and a Life Were Resurrected, Joyce Morgan , single work column (p. 13)
Note: port. (John Romeril, Jack Charles and Rachael Maza Long)
On a Night of Nostalgia, the Biggest Laughs Are between the Lines, Jason Blake , single work review
— Review of Dad and Dave : Live 2011 selected work drama ;
(p. 13)
Life's Voyeuristic Twist, Meg Mundell , single work essay
Meg Mundell reflects on the way in which George Orwell's 'Big Brother' predictions in his novel 1984 weigh up against the reality of life in the early 21st century.
(p. 22) Section: News Review
Undercover, Marc McEvoy , single work column
A column canvassing current literary news including a brief report on the 2011 New South Wales Premier's Literary Awards shortlists. Marc McEvoy also notes the grant to University of Technology Sydney from the Cultural Fund of the Copyright Agency Limited to provide for the appointment of a chair in poetry and a non-fiction writing residency at the university.
(p. 29) Section: Spectrum
Fine Work from a Literary Sadist, Angie Schiavone , single work review
— Review of Yellowcake Margo Lanagan , 2011 selected work short story ;
(p. 31) Section: Spectrum
Pick of the Week, Bruce Elder , single work review
— Review of Mia Culpa Mia Freedman , 2011 selected work column ;
(p. 33) Section: Spectrum