y separately published work icon Fables and Reflections periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2002... no. 3 September 2002 of Fables and Reflections est. 2001 Fables and Reflections
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* Contents derived from the , 2002 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Wine Cries Over the Sea, Alinta Thornton , single work short story fantasy (p. 4-11)
Lotus Moon and the Paper Maid, Margaret Dunlop , single work short story fantasy (p. 12-14)
Food for Thought, Tracey Rolfe , single work short story fantasy (p. 15-22)
Wild Dreaming, Lily Chrywenstrom , single work short story fantasy (p. 23-29)
Mister God, Grant Watson , single work short story fantasy (p. 30-31)
Santa Clause Drove Me Home in a Taxi, Alinta Thornton , single work short story fantasy (p. 32-35)
Owlsi"He heard the owls call:", Lucy Schmeidler , single work poetry (p. 36-37)
The Skin Polis, Paul Haines , single work short story horror (p. 38-44)
On the Origins of the Fragrant Hill, Kirsten Bishop , single work short story fantasy (p. 45-47)
From Finger Painting to Small Press, Cat Sparks , single work column (p. 53-54)