y separately published work icon The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2010... 12-13 June 2010 of The Sydney Morning Herald est. 1842 The Sydney Morning Herald
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* Contents derived from the , 2010 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Once More unto the Breach, Bryce Hallett , single work column (p. 6-7) Section: Spectrum
Sin City Secrets Get a Makeover, Andrew Hornery , single work column
Andrew Hornery reports on David's Williamson's revision of Emerald City for a one-night reading at the Sydney Theatre Company. Celebrities acted the roles in the updated version and funds raised supported the charities of the celebrities' choice.
(p. 20)
Undercover, Susan Wyndham , single work column
A column canvassing current literary news including comments from Robert Adamson on Randolph Stow's writing style, news of Jan Fullerton's retirement as Director General of the National Library of Australia and the closure, at the end of 2010, of the journal Indigo.
(p. 35) Section: Spectrum
Anarchic Spirit Spins a Fine Yarn, Peter Pierce , single work review
— Review of The Norseman's Song Joel Deane , 2010 single work novel ;
(p. 37) Section: Spectrum
Africa Deserts Its Wilderness, Sue Turnbull , single work review
— Review of Let the Dead Lie Malla Nunn , 2010 single work novel ;
(p. 38) Section: Spectrum
In Short : Fiction, Kerryn Goldsworthy , single work review
— Review of Let Me Whisper You My Story Moya Simons , 2010 single work children's fiction ;
(p. 38) Section: Spectrum
Internal Weather : In Memory of Randolph Stowi"In the long night, the moon's bent light.", Robert Adamson , single work poetry (p. 41) Section: Spectrum