y separately published work icon The Age newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2010... 8 May 2010 of The Age est. 1854 The Age
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* Contents derived from the , 2010 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Biggest Losers Are the Dead Ones Who Are Still Alive, Robert Drewe , single work column
'It's a fine line between life and death in Uttar Pradesh. Might as well just be fat in Peru, writes Robert Drewe, and end up in a jar of face cream.' (Editor's abstract)
(p. 3) Section: A2
On the Spot : Andrew Demetriou, Poet, Andrea Demetriou , single work column (p. 3) Section: A2
Bearing the Ultimate Gift, Carol Nader , single work biography (p. 10) Section: Insight
Note: port. (Sue Phillips)
In the Silence of Loss, a Son Remembers, Barry Garner , single work column (p. 12) Section: A2
Keeping Mum, Gabriella Coslovich , single work autobiography (p. 12-13) Section: A2
Note: port. (Rina and Gabriella Coslovich)
The Emperor's New City, Michael Leunig , single work prose (p. 16) Section: A2
How the Liberal Became a Liberal, Shaun Carney , single work review
— Review of Malcolm Fraser : The Political Memoirs Malcolm Fraser , Margaret Simons , 2010 single work autobiography ;
(p. 21) Section: A2
Reconfiguring the Everyday, Peter Craven , single work review
— Review of Taller When Prone Les Murray , 2010 selected work poetry ;
(p. 23) Section: A2
Non-Fiction, Bill Perrett , single work review
— Review of 5 Ways to Carry a Goat : A Blogger's World Tour Ben Groundwater , 2010 single work prose ; Something Rich and Strange : Sea Changes, Beaches and the Littoral in the Antipodes 2009 anthology criticism poetry ;
(p. 24) Section: A2
Fiction, Cameron Woodhead , single work review
— Review of Short and Scary 2010 anthology short story poetry ;
(p. 24) Section: A2
Browsing the People of the Books, Jane Sullivan , single work column (p. 26) Section: A2
Off the Shelf : Fiction, Lorien Kaye , single work review
— Review of I Say Tomato Katie Wall , 2010 single work novel ;
(p. 26) Section: A2
Off the Shelf : Picture Book, Dianne Dempsey , single work review
— Review of The Boy and the Toy Sonya Hartnett , 2010 single work picture book ;
(p. 26) Section: A2
May the Force Be With Him, Jason Steger , single work column
A column canvassing current literary news including a report on the election of a new president and new directors for the Australian Publishers Association (APA). Jason Steger also notes the awarding of one of the APA's George Robertson Award to Henry Rosenbloom.
(p. 27) Section: A2
Ave Atque Valei"When the rabbiting generations", Evan Jones , single work poetry (p. 27) Section: A2
Untitledi"Lovely dreaming olive tree", Michael Leunig , single work poetry (p. 48) Section: A2