y separately published work icon Island periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2010... no. 120 Autumn 2010 of Island est. 1990- Island
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* Contents derived from the , 2010 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Sorrow Birdsi"Once you were called", Carolyn Leach-Paholski , single work poetry (p. 8)
Now You are Lost to Mei"Now you are lost to me", Carolyn Leach-Paholski , single work poetry (p. 9-11)
Dedication to Eric Rolls, Tom Griffiths , single work obituary

''People', declared Eric Rolls, 'must always be given hope.' He was an extraordinary optimist. He was prepared to deliver the hard, grim facts when necessary, but he also wanted to inspire action and guide change, and for that, he knew, we do indeed need hope. Historian though he was (as well as a poet, farmer, cook and fisherman), Eric also believed that 'tomorrow is more exciting than yesterday'. He had faith in the future, and in the capacity of people to meet it; he was a historian whose history had to serve the future for which he was so hungry.' (p. 12)

(p. 12-19)
Learning to Love the Gum Tree, Elizabeth Webby , single work criticism (p. 44-50)
Some Thoughts on Australian Haiku, Sharon Dean , single work criticism
'How do Australian nature writers feel about haiku, the one poetic form that concerns itself primarily with nature? The 209 Watermark Literary Muster - essentially a conference of leading nature writers, including academics, conservationists, novelists and poets - offers an opportunity to find out. The theme of the 2009 muster was The Nature and Place of Wood, which speakers generally interpreted as Trees.' (p. 51)
(p. 51-55)
Litchfield Shouti"Grab your paints your dreams we'll shake", Stuart Cooke , single work poetry (p. 61-62)
Secret Sandhills, Nicolas Rothwell , single work extract (p. 63-74)
A Meditation on Trees, Bob Beale , single work autobiography (p. 75-76)
Gunpowder and Shooting Stars, Ashley Hay , single work autobiography (p. 77-81)
Gardner Tree, Roger Underwood , single work autobiography (p. 82-85)
The Candle, Mark Tredinnick , single work autobiography (p. 86-88)
Red-Bellied Squatters : Extract from Mountain Tails, Sharyn Munro , extract autobiography (p. 90-92)
Untitled, Merle Goldsmith , single work review
— Review of View from the Lucky Hotel Sandra Hill , 2008 selected work poetry ;
(p. 94-95)
Untitled, Merle Goldsmith , single work review
— Review of The View From Here : New and Selected Poems Debbie Westbury , 2008 selected work poetry ;
(p. 95-96)
Untitled, Merle Goldsmith , single work review
— Review of Circles of Love John Millett , 2008 selected work poetry ;
(p. 96-98)
Untitled, Merle Goldsmith , single work review
— Review of Growing Up With Mr Menzies John Jenkins , 2008 selected work poetry ;
(p. 98-99)
In Search of Hobart, Alison Alexander , single work review
— Review of In Search of Hobart Peter Timms , 2009 single work prose ;
(p. 100-102)
Among the Jellyfishi"A man drives his car to the sea.", Richard Lemm , single work poetry (p. 104-105)
He Says Whitewateri"He says whitewater", Stephanie Green , single work poetry (p. 106-107)
Breakfast at Full Tidei"Breadfast at full tide, beneath the darkening sky.", Shari Kocher , single work poetry (p. 108)