y separately published work icon ACTWrite periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2010... vol. 16 no. 2 March 2010 of ACTWrite est. 1995 ACTWrite
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* Contents derived from the , 2010 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Writer Profile : John Harms, John Harms , single work column (p. 3)
Stranger Than Fiction, Antony Loewenstein , single work column
Antony Loewentstein looks to the future of publishing and concludes: 'Perhaps the most honest analysis of the publishing game is that nobody really knows where the future lies. Books will survive in some form. Books as cultural beasts are necessary for the nourishment of our society but such ideals cost money. I remain optimistic, however... The publishing industry can't be sustained by Dan Brown and Stephanie Meyer titles alone but adapting to a digital future will be as fraught as it has been for media companies. Some failure is inevitable but the Kindle is not the enemy.'
(p. 4-5)
Book to the Future : Can You Judge a Digital Book By Its POD Cover?, Colin Steele , single work column (p. 6)
Knowing the Basics, Michael Byrne , single work column
Michael Byrne provides tips for writers wishing to submit their work to journals.
(p. 8)
Ghost Writer, Jennifer Shapcott , single work short story (p. 16-17)
How Did I Get Here...? : A Monthly Look into Writing as a Profession, Alice Allan , single work column (p. 19)