y separately published work icon Meanjin periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2010... vol. 69 no. 1 March 2010 of Meanjin est. 1940 Meanjin
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* Contents derived from the , 2010 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
'Like This Little Spirit That Wafts' : Contemporary Theatre in Australia, Lorin Clarke , single work criticism (p. 34-42)
A Critical Mind : On Sam Goldberg, Jane Grant , single work biography (p. 43-52)
The Poet as Hero : A.D. Hope's 'The Wandering Islands', Samuel Louis Goldberg , single work criticism (p. 53-65)
Memories of a Mentor : Bruce Dawe, Phil Brown , single work autobiography (p. 66-72)
Copyright, Copyleft, Copygift, McKenzie Wark , single work criticism (p. 73-78)
A Novel Approach to Religion, Paul Mitchell , single work criticism
Discusses religious themes and aspects in some recent Australian fiction.
(p. 89-98)
Who Ya Gonna Call?, Stella Glorie , single work autobiography (p. 131-136)
Flying School Dropout, Maurilia Meehan , single work autobiography (p. 137-142)
Walking the Wet, Toni Tapp Coutts , single work autobiography (p. 143-147)
New Territories : Sophie Cunningham Talks to Steven Amsterdam, Sophie Cunningham (interviewer), single work interview (p. 150-159)
Art Brut, Sue Booker , single work short story (p. 162-169)
Sarah, Philip Canon , single work short story (p. 170-176)
And the Next Morning He Was Shipwrecked, Bronwyn Mehan , single work short story (p. 185-191)
An Innocent Man, Jennifer Mills , single work short story (p. 192-196)
Quaker's Hat Bay, Fiona McGregor , single work short story (p. 197-208)
Berlin-Buch, August 2009i"Falling asleep in a hospital in Germany", Peter Boyle , single work poetry (p. 224-225)
Rondeau, Ridge A, Antarcticai"Can you hear the strokes of titanium white?", Alexandra Bates , single work poetry (p. 226)
Broome Songi"And", Stuart Cooke , single work poetry (p. 227-229)
Lu Xun, Your Handsi"Lu Xun, your hands", Eileen Chong , single work poetry (p. 230)
Seeing Goatsi"You might encounter one in a dream, meaning", Anthony Lawrence , single work poetry (p. 231)