y separately published work icon The School Paper for Grades VII and VIII periodical issue   children's  
Issue Details: First known date: 1918... no. 229 November 1918 of The School Paper : Grades VII and VIII est. 1896-1932 The School Paper for Grades VII and VIII
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* Contents derived from the , 1918 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
To Francei"The Soul of Freedom swelled her song", single work poetry war literature
This poem praises the French efforts in securing the freedom of Australia during the First World War. An editor's note states that it was first published in The Herald, Melbourne, on the day that the French Mission arrived in Melbourne for official ceremonies, 11 October, 1918.
(p. [145])
Among the 'Diggers', George Merrick Long , single work correspondence
Reprinted from The Sun, Sydney, 6 June 1918, this report from an American hospital near Villers-Bretonneux, France, recognises the similar wit of Australian and American soldiers during World War I.
(p. 153-154)
The Happy Warriors, James Hebblethwaite , single work prose children's
Hebblethwaite honours the Anzacs awarded the Victoria Cross during World War I. He cites his own poem Forgotten in memory of the fallen soldiers.
(p. 155-156)
Note: With photograph: 'The Return of the Anzacs : Group of Winners of the Victoria Cross'
Forgotteni"The white sun-fire of morn divinely bright", James Hebblethwaite , single work poetry (p. 156)