y separately published work icon The Australian Woman's Mirror periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1929... vol. 6 no. 1 26 November 1929 of The Australian Woman's Mirror est. 1924-1961 The Australian Woman's Mirror
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* Contents derived from the , 1929 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Love of Frances Murray, Irene Wilkinson , single work short story
When Frances Murray learns she is unable to have children she is faced with a terrible decision. She knows David Graham will propose to her soon and, although she loves him, she knows he wants children and she struggles to decide whether or not to give him up for his own sake.
(p. 6, 52 - 53)
Methuselah, C. McEwen , single work short story
Ever since he came home from the war David Carmody has been searching for Sarrion, the horse his stepfather sold while David was away fighting. When he finally finds him and brings him home his wife, Nina, is angry and they quarrel. A bushfire shows Sarrion's courage and devotion, and the old horse gives all he has to save David and Nina.
(p. 7, 50 - 51)
My Mani"He must have kind grey eyes;", E. Barrington , single work poetry (p. 14)
A Little Soul, Evelyn Motteram , single work poetry (p. 15)
Port-of-Calli"[First] port-of-call my heart is,", Ethel Davies , single work poetry (p. 16)