Issue Details: First known date: 2009... 2009 Peripheral Fear : Transformations of the Gothic in Canadian and Australian Fiction
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* Contents derived from the Brussels, Belgium, Western Europe, Europe,:Peter Lang , 2009 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Peripheral Fear : Introduction, Gerry Turcotte , single work criticism (p. 17-24)
Old World Gothic : Background and Sources, Gerry Turcotte , single work criticism (p. 27-50)
Theorizing Colonial Gothic, Gerry Turcotte , single work criticism (p. 51-67)
Gothic Influences to the First Novels, Gerry Turcotte , single work criticism (p. 69-103)
Colonial Nomenclaturei"'Twas said of Greece two thousand years ago,", John Dunmore Lang , single work poetry satire
A satire on Governor Macquarie's propensity to name buildings and geographical landmarks after himself.
(p. 75-76)
Three Nineteenth-Century Gothic Novels : Wacousta, His Natural Life and A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder, Gerry Turcotte , single work criticism (p. 105-134)
The Mystici"When sick men turn and lights are low,", Marcus Clarke , single work poetry
A poem about the darkest hour of the night, when terrors prowl the landscape and fear enters the heart of a watchman. 
(p. 113-115)
'Convicts to Australia - Bastards to Canada' : The Metaphysical Gothic of Patrick White and Robertson Davies, Gerry Turcotte , single work criticism (p. 137-163)
"Speaking the Formula of Abjection" : Hybrids and Gothic Discourses in Louis Nowra's Novels, Gerry Turcotte , single work criticism (p. 165-180)
The Gothic and Sexuality : Marian Engel's Bear and Elizabeth Jolley's The Well, Gerry Turcotte , single work criticism (p. 181-201)
'A Shocking Bad Book to Be Sure, Sir' : The Gothic as Counter-Discursive Strategy in Margaret Atwood's and Kate Grenville's Fiction, Gerry Turcotte , single work criticism (p. 203-231)
Peripheral Fear : Conclusion, Gerry Turcotte , single work criticism (p. 233-236)