y separately published work icon The Canberra Times newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2009... 19 October 2009 of The Canberra Times est. 1926 The Canberra Times
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* Contents derived from the , 2009 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Poetry Slam Picks Up Motion, Nicky Park , single work column
Discusses the final of the Australian Poetry Slam 2009, to be held on December 3 at the Sydney Opera House.
(p. 5)
Creative Minds to Share Words of Wisdom, Sally Pryor , single work column
The conference, titled The Flight of the Mind and held at the National Library of Australia in Canberra, features 20 Australian literary figures from different sectors of the industry, including writers, poets, biographers, translators, publishers and critics.
(p. 6)