Issue Details: First known date: 1997... 1997 Australia and Asia : Cultural Transactions
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* Contents derived from the Richmond, Surrey,
United Kingdom (UK),
Western Europe, Europe,
Curzon , 1997 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
On the Beach, Until the End of the World, Peter Hutchings , single work criticism (p. 20-32)
Postmodern Tristesse or Transacting Authenticity in Strange Places, Philip Robertson , single work criticism (p. 33-51)
The Orphan Complex : An Australian Myth Travels to Asia, Gabrielle Finnane , single work criticism
'This essay is a redescription of Australian films set in or dealing in some way with Asia. If an imaginary 'Asia' is sometimes a feature of Australian films, it is only as a generic motif viewed entirely through a lens of internal preoccupations of Australian culture. [...] To my eyes Romper Stomper and The Good Woman of Bangkok have a long cultural genealogy (pp. 53, 54).
(p. 52-69)
Looking for Love (in All the Wrong Places) : The Production of Thailand in Recent Australian Cinema, Annette Hamilton , single work criticism (p. 143-161)
The Australian Tourist Novel, Graham Huggan , single work criticism (p. 162-175)