y separately published work icon The Queenslander newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1931... 5 March 1931 of The Queenslander est. 1866 The Queenslander
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* Contents derived from the , 1931 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Breaking Into, Mary Guthrie , single work short story crime

Reminiscences between a transferred detective and currently innocent criminal, of opium trading in North Queensland, where with the help of Chinese smugglers' champagne, a white temptress tricks an honest policeman into intoxication, while others break into the jail to steal a load of confiscated opium.

(p. 4)
Note: In Column: Tales of Illicit Trading, Part 2
The Mailman, Arthur Groom , single work short story
A lonely bush girl isolated by an inhospitable father watches for a wave from the mailman every Thursday. When his car overturns near their gate and he is injured she rescues and then nurses him. He falls in love and proposes, but has to save her father from a fire before she accepts.
(p. 6)