y separately published work icon Counting Backwards and Other Stories selected work   short story  
Issue Details: First known date: 1991... 1991 Counting Backwards and Other Stories
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* Contents derived from the St Lucia, Indooroopilly - St Lucia area, Brisbane - North West, Brisbane, Queensland,:University of Queensland Press , 1991 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Violet and Rose, Suzanne Edgar , single work short story (p. 3-7)
At the Yudnamutna Hotel, Suzanne Edgar , single work short story (p. 8-13)
Counting Backwards, Suzanne Edgar , single work short story (p. 14-24)
Watchers, Suzanne Edgar , single work short story

Brenda Madigan avoided the sight of her body these days. She had arthritis; her fingers, once long, slender and tapered, olive skinned, were now twisted and sallow, covered with knobs. They curved under like claws, but lacked the strength that word implies. Her feet were swollen and so were her hip joints: when she levered herself onto her feet from a chair she could hear the thigh bones grinding woodenly against each other. Walking, her buttocks protruded unnaturally and her knees swivelled awkwardly in to meet each other. The illness had sapped her confidence too. She avoided strangers and asked no-one to the house.

(Source: Informit)

(p. 25-30)
Post Mortem, Suzanne Edgar , single work short story

Lou's older sister, Brenda, is in the arthritic ward with little hope of recovery. As Brenda will need long-term care, Lou plans to start looking for nursing homes, unwilling to have the divisive Brenda in the same household as Lou's husband and children.

After speaking with a nurse, Lou learns that Brenda is terminally ill, and decides to spend more time with her at the hospital. She begins to annoy the nurses but persists until Brenda finally falls into a coma and dies.

(p. 31-45)
The Uncle The Kitbag, Suzanne Edgar , single work short story (p. 46-51)
Burying Rosenthal, Suzanne Edgar , single work short story (p. 55-63)
The Birthday Party, Suzanne Edgar , single work short story (p. 64-68)
The Man who Measured the Rate at Which His Lawn Grew, Suzanne Edgar , single work short story (p. 69-77)
An Intruder, Suzanne Edgar , single work short story (p. 78-86)
A Proposed Marriage, Suzanne Edgar , single work short story (p. 87-96)
Mrs Rosenberg, Suzanne Edgar , single work short story (p. 97-102)
Story of a Ham Sandwich, Suzanne Edgar , single work short story (p. 103-111)
At Mrs Pickering's At the Babysitter's, Suzanne Edgar , single work short story (p. 112-116)
Kingfishers, Suzanne Edgar , single work short story (p. 117-126)
Arnie's Marathon, Suzanne Edgar , single work short story humour (p. 127-135)
Madonnas, Suzanne Edgar , single work short story young adult (p. 136-145)